Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"Green Dream Team" Resonates Worldwide

Word that LCV called Obama’s choices to fill key leadership positions on energy and the environment a “green dream team” reaches all the way to Sydney, Australia.

Back home, CQ frames the discussion surrounding Sen. Salazar’s nomination to Secretary of Interior using our National Environmental Scorecard and quotes LCV Senior Vice President Tony Massaro as saying, “As a Westerner, Secretary Salazar has hands-on experience with land and water issues, and will restore the Department of the Interior’s role as the steward of America’s public resources.”

The New Republic calls Salazar a “green pick” for his 81 percent LCV lifetime score and for criticism of the Bush administration's plans to expedite oil-shale drilling in Colorado and other Western states, on account of the environmental damage it would wreak.

A story in the Seattle P-I explores how Republican Dave Reichert became one of a handful of House Republicans to win in a district carried by President-elect Barack Obama by turning environmental values into campaign priorities.

And finally in Ohio, Micah Vieux, director of climate change and sustainability programs for the Ohio League of Conservation Voters, told the Cincinnati Enquirer that ignoring climate change could cost the state billions in revenue and almost 2 million jobs.

1 comment:

libhom said...

Vilsack is an obvious exception to the claim that Obama has a green "dream team."