Started off the day with some good old-fashion visibility at 7 am. There were teams going out in both Tulsa and Oklahoma City. I joined the Tulsa team staking out one of the busiest entrances to downtown Tulsa at 10th and Detroit Ave right next to the Firefighters Union which has endorsed Andrew. Wasn't sure what to expect but was happy to see the support Andrew received from the passing traffic. It was pretty cold outside, but fortunately I was able to bum a pair of camouflage gloves, although I think that may have made it difficult for people to see me waving. When all was said and done we received approximately 6800% more honks than we did middle fingers. The thumbs up to thumbs down ratio was even more slanted in our favor. Things are looking good for Andrew heading into the final weekend here in Tulsa County which is impressive considering it is Jim Inhofe's back yard. Got several events tonight to help Andrew's GOTV efforts. More on that later.
Andrew is spending this week traveling around Oklahoma taking one last chance to talk to voters about his vision for the future of this country. Last night, Andrew was in Henryetta a the Colonial Motel and Restaurant talking to Oklahomans about his ideas to fix the economy and bring jobs to that state. He'll spend the rest of week traveling around the state to help get out the vote.
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