Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Today's swearing-in ceremonies made the results of November's elections official. In the final few days of October, Kerry Duggan joined the Gary Peters campaign staff as an embed and wrote about her experiences in her home state of Michigan.

"Today was a very exciting day on Capitol Hill. LCV staff members once again met with many of our endorsed candidates – this time, though, they were all officially Members of the 111th Congress.

We met with new members Jeff Merkley, Larry Kissell, Mark Schauer, Betsy Markey, Ben Ray Lujan and many others in both the Senate and House office buildings, the Library of Congress and the Capitol itself.

The last stop we made tonight was at the Longworth House Office Building, in the office of Rep. Gary Peters, where the congressman huddled with incoming White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel before mingling with supporters and staff.

Today was special for me because of close relationships I've forged with members of the Peters Congressional staff . On election night, I was proud of Gary and our hard work, but now I'm excited. Now it's official. It's time to get to work.

The congressman's wife snapped one last photo of Rep. Peters & Kerry before we left:

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