Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Water, Carbon and Mercury

Carper will serve on new 'green jobs' panel

House Passes Two Water Research Bills to promote water-use efficiency and conservation

Environmental Protection Agency said it will re-evaluate a Bush administration decision to allow coal-fired power plants to open without taking carbon emissions into account.

Study Finds Biofuels Could Partially Displace Gasoline in Near Term.

A study on climate change impacts in the Northwest projects dramatic reductions in spring snowpack, water shortages, rising stream temperatures, large increases in wildfires, more common extreme precipitation events, and rising numbers of heat- and air-pollution related deaths.

At a meeting in Brussels, Belgium, mayors from nearly 400 European cities signed an agreement committing their cities to strict GHG reductions above existing EU levels.

U.S. backs call for global treaty on mercury use.

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