Friday, February 13, 2009

Pelosi thanks LCV

Watch the video!

Minutes ago, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi publicly thanked the League of Conservation Voters for helping to pass the economic recovery package through the House of Representatives.

When Speaker Pelosi thanked LCV, she was thanking you for the calls you made and the emails you sent to your representatives, which helped ensure the bill's success. Your hard work and your commitment to LCV have helped make a clean energy future possible.

After it passes the Senate, which we expect to happen later today, this bill will be signed into law by President Obama. At that moment, our country will have made the largest investment in clean, renewable energy in the history of humankind. It will be an unprecedented step towards a cleaner, safer, more prosperous future for all of us.

Thank you for all that you do for LCV and for the future of the planet.

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