Friday, February 20, 2009

Some good news in the fight against global warming

"Elections have consequences," has long been one of LCV's guiding principles. Too often, we bring that axiom up to explain why something bad just happened. Today, we get to look at it from a happier perspective. In today’s news there are two stories that together, show just how much difference an election can make.

1) Today, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made her first official visit to China (in her current role) and global warming is at the top of her agenda. As part of the bilateral talks on climate change and energy, she will tour a thermal power plant and discuss the potential economic benefits of clean energy to both China and the United States.

As Energy Secretary Steven Chu says in the USA Today article on Clinton's visit, the ultimate solution to global warming will have to include both China and the United States, two of the world's largest emitters of global warming pollution. That climate change topped the agenda on Secretary Clinton's first visit to China suggests that bringing the two country's into agreement on this vital issue will be a top goal for President Obama's administration.

2) Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that he plans to bring a global warming bill to the Senate before the end of this summer, after taking care of a new energy bill in the next few weeks. After years of waiting, years the planet could scarcely afford, this announcement was music to our ears. While we don't know the details of either of those bills, LCV will help to get them written and passed and we expect both of them to move the ball forward on protecting our planet, increasing our security, and creating jobs with clean, renewable energy.

Domestically and internationally, forward-thinking leaders in Congress and the Obama administration are moving us in the right direction. Sign up for the new LCV Facebook Cause for the latest updates and to find out how you can help make this happen.

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