Monday, February 2, 2009

Thanks, Kurt

Special shout to Kurt, an LCV intern in the Campaigns department, who filled in on the blog today...

A diverse alliance of hunters, environmentalists, government agencies, and citizens have organized a day-long summit highlighting the importance of wetlands.

A little known State lawmaker is the brains behind much of it California's landmark legislation to fight global warming.

The Employee Free Choice Act has yet to even get floor time in the new Congress but the campaigns to secure its passage — and defeat — have been dueling as if the vote were tomorrow.

Student green jobs are bringing change to communities.

New York area residents need more mass transit options, which would benefit both the economy and the environment.

Interior Department and the Environmental Protection Agency are in good hands...

New York League of Conservation Voters and the Campaign for New York's Future have launched a voter education campaign devoted to connecting transportation and politics in Southern Queens

And finally, NY LCV doesn't endorse, but weighs in on Council special elections.

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