Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Environmental Progress on the Hill

EPA Reconsiders California’s Request for Section 209(a) Waiver

Jody Freeman named Counselor for Energy and Climate Change

EPA chief picks Center for American Progress fellow Bob Sussman as climate adviser

President Obama Accelerates Efficiency Standard Development.

Rep. Collin Peterson intends to move a bill designed to have CFTC jurisdiction over GHG allowance and offset trading, and require that trading occur on a “designated contract market”

Michigan Governor Announces 45 Percent Reduction in Fossil Generation By 2020

World Faces Shortage in Climate Change Workforce

Turkey Ratifies Kyoto Protocol

Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) introduced legislation that would impose a $10 per ton of carbon content tax on fossil fuels, to increase by $10 each year until GHG emissions are 80% below 1990 levels.

Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) is proposing a Renewable Electricity Standard that would require sellers of electricity to retail consumers to obtain increasing percentages of their electricity from new renewable sources, beginning with 4% by 2011 and rising to 20% by 2021.

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