Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Staff Members Take on the Boxer Press Conference

After November, it began to occur to me that real change was occurring in America. Not just the change brought about by America moving forward and electing a Black President, but also, the significance that the League of Conservation voters had on changing the hearts and minds of everyday Americans throughout the country. The environmental movement officially began.

Sometimes believing that change would occur during the Bush administration seemed like a distant dream; that our nation could never be on the forefront of helping save the world from rising seawaters and increasing temperatures. Inauguration felt like a coming of that dream. Where an American President, even in times of economic peril stood in front of the American people and said that the environment still matters and that conservation should be seen as an ally to the US economy not a foe.

Barbara Boxer’s press conference stood in unison with that sentiment. She told the crowded room of press and environmentalists to leave the conference knowing that we must fight global warming despite the economic downturn because the externalities of inaction would be disastrous for human kind.

Her commitment to science paving the pathway for legislation was refreshing. Ultimately she believes that bipartisan support will occur; supporting the committee’s future bill that will be released sometime in the coming year. I believe in that.

Despite the economic times, the environment must still be a priority and the League of Conservation voters will be watching each vote and every step of the way.
We helped influence the change that occurred in America. Today’s press conference was a proud moment for the staff at the LCV but it should also be a proud moment for each and every person who helped contribute to our fight. We saw the results of what we can do and we will never rest.

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